Use Body Language to change your Emotional State

TED talk by Amy Cuddy about "Power Posing" Our body language tends to work in two different directions: Our posture...

Body Language in Spain- for your next visit in Barcelona

Understanding and speaking the Nonverbal Communication of a country improves your soft skills! Discovering a foreign culture's idiosyncrasies before arriving...

Presentation-Success Keys in Spain

Giving a Speech in Spain can be different then in other countries of europe. Here`s why: The NCP Database (National...

Detect Buying-Signals with Nonverbal Communication

How to read nonverbal Buying Signals: Body Language reveals, when the client is ready to buy No matter what your...

Perfect Nonverbal Communication for Public Speaking

The three important steps for perfect body language when giving a public speech. There are no simple rules for how...

Nonverbal Presentation Skills

Presentations are most of the time successful because of the Presenters Body Language. Yes, you read it correctly: It can...

Why Public Speakers fail with negativ body language

THE BEST SPEECH CAN GO DOWN THE DRAIN- WITH THE WRONG BODY LANGUAGE... Public Speaking is the art of transporting...

Create Charisma through Body Language

How body language increases your charisma. Let's be honest, in business charisma counts. A lot. And Charisma is about impressive communication...

Keynote Speaker Traits That Make a Message Sink In

What Traits does a outstanding Keynote Speaker need? Whether it is a group session, gentleman club meeting, political conventions or...

Body Language in Your Forthcoming Presentation

You might not know that body language can transform your forthcoming presentation or any other you might engage in future....