The horseman understands and guides horses like no other.
The group whisperer has the same skills when he handles groups and teams.
The group whisperer is the true expert of group dynamics.
This seminar offers many exciting experiences, knowledge and lots of self-experience. Team leaders, teachers, speakers or presenters will get the missing puzzle pieces to perform excellently and leading groups nonverbally.

The seminar content

Basic equipment for the group whisperer

  • The 4 levels of professional communication as a coach
  • Use of nonverbal intelligence in groups
  • Helpful guidelines of the group leader (e.g., “The group belongs to the group”)

Create positive group dynamics

  • E.A.S.Y.-Technique: Weld a new group together quickly in order to get to the performance phase
  • Build “Rapport” with groups fast
  • Recognize the group’s condition quickly to lead appropriately to the situation: What can sounds and movements tell you about the groups momentary condition?
  • Does the group need security or does it lead itself already?

Excellent leadership of the group

  • Realize, how you can recognize “subgroups”, “outsiders”, “barometers”, “connectors” and “leaders” in each group, and use them for successful group dynamics
  • Becoming charismatic with the Model “Cats & Dogs” in the context of Training, Teaching and Public Speaking
  • Learn how to draw the attention of the group elegantly and non-verbally
  • Learn how attendees can store information much better
  • Use silence to increase or decrease the status of yourself or certain group members

Conflict management in groups

  • Nonverbal tools for the leading person to support the group dynamics in difficult moments
  • Learn how to deal with conflicts better
  • Handle and discipline interruptions better
  • How to calm yourself and the group when emotions arise
  • Heal dysfunctional groups with nonverbal intelligence

The content and methods are directly exercised by the participants themselves.
You will get insights into your own impact on groups and how you can improve these step by step.

Further details

The seminar is designed as a two-day continuing education and can be combined with the partner seminar “Nonverbal Intelligence for Trainers and Speakers”. A “best-of” compilation can also be compiled for a one-day seminar.
Ask us about modality and dates.